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Local Energy Hubs can help fill the public information gap on renewable energy

The findings in the Climate Council’s report Electric Shock! Australia’s Lightbulb Moment, released today, confirm the huge information gap that exists among communities when it comes to renewable energy – most Australians don’t know that almost 40% of our total electricity supply already comes from renewables.

Rural and regional communities are crying out for more information to help them navigate the energy shift where they live.

“The Climate Council’s recent research found that more than 80% of people want more information about how our energy system is changing,” says RE-Alliance National Director Andrew Bray.

“Local Energy Hubs would deliver the much-needed information that communities are telling us they need.”

RE-Alliance, alongside partners Community Power Agency and Yes2Renewables, have been calling on the Federal Government to fix the information gap on Australia’s shift to renewables with Local Energy Hubs in renewable energy regions.

“These hubs would be physical centres with a strong outreach program in renewable energy regions, staffed by independent local experts to help build trust and provide accurate information about what’s happening,” says Bray. 

“When we speak with communities about this idea, the immediate response is that it’s a no brainer.”

The Local Energy Hubs campaign has the backing of a raft of ALP Federal and State MPs, and more than 40 Local Government representatives.

Local Energy Hubs are outreach centres that would:

  • Bridge the information gap in regional communities by employing trusted local experts
  • Tackle complex challenges like ensuring communities know exactly how to have input into, and benefit from, large-scale renewable energy projects proposed for their region
  • Help the public learn how to save money on power bills in their homes and businesses
  • Be a crucial touchpoint for developers, helping to foster trust in communities for their projects through quality communication and engagement
  • Address barriers to the electrification of households, small businesses and farms such as lack of time or quality expert advice
  • Provide grants to kick-start local community energy projects

More information on the Local Energy Hubs model can be found at:


For media inquiries please contact Cait Coffey-Wong on 0457 451 867 or [email protected]

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